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Case Study: Pre-K Program Evaluation

Program Name:

Pre-K Program Evaluation


Fort Bend Independent School District’s (ISD) early learning programs exist to provide a foundation that, “guides children physically, cognitively, socially, emotionally and linguistically2.” Fort Bend ISD has 20 elementary campuses with prekindergarten programs.

The District uses feeder patterns to help ensure students have access to prekindergarten in or around their neighborhoods. Eighteen campuses host the traditional half-day program with morning and afternoon sessions lasting approximately 3.5 hours, while 2 campuses have full-day programs. The two campuses with full-day programs, Hunter’s Glen Elementary and the Early Literacy Center, both have collaboration classrooms in partnership with Baker-Ripley Head Start Program. Hunter’s Glen Elementary has two Baker-Ripley collaboration classrooms, while the Early Literacy Center has six. A Fort Bend ISD teacher and a Head Start teacher staff the collaboration classrooms, maintaining a 1:11 teacher-student ratio.

The Fort Bend ISD Early Literacy Center and Early Intervention Academy provide innovative programming that support the development of literacy skills and socio-emotional growth for students from prekindergarten through first grade. The Fort Bend ISD Early Literacy Center is a multi-service learning center where children and families grow together as a community of learners.

Funder Name:

Fort Bend Independent School District


Fort Bend Independent School District

Years Evaluation Performed:


Number of Participants:



Lead Evaluator



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